Why do my chicks freeze and stop moving?


6 Years
Aug 30, 2013
Hello! My three chicks were outside today and they were dead frozen one time. The other time they froze, they were blinking and sitting and not exact dead still. The first time they stopped and looked dead. They weren't even blinking. Like, I thought they might have been dead! Why do they do this? It lasted probably a minute. The first time, I think they accidentally hit a ball or something that was where they were or it squished one of the chicks or something but then all the sudden, they just stopped moving and blinking. They were dead frozen. Did the ball freak them out? Is this common? Thanks :) ~My3ChicksMBD
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Im not sure, i always thought chickens ran i have a hen who is super friendly she will be just wandering around and then stop and you can move her head and everything she dosent react the only way to make her come out of it other than to wait is to tap her or pick her up and some times even that dosent work.
Your chicks must have seen Jurassic Park. The Trex's eyesight keys in on movement.
Chicks will do this quite often when startled. As they get older, they will put a sound with it. My alpha rooster makes a short clucking sound when he sees something potentially dangerous, to alert the hens to it's presence. But aside from that sound, he is totally still. His head is raised, and he doesn't move a single muscle. He turns into a beautiful rooster statue.

The sound actually reminds me of an adult human saying a short "eh" sound over and over, like they would to a child who is about to wander into a dangerous area. Pretty interesting how we humans and animals are so much alike, that we sound the same for similar purposes!

But as long as they don't suddenly freeze up AND fall over like they're having a seizure, then it's perfectly normal.
Im not sure, i always thought chickens ran i have  a hen who is super friendly she will be just wandering around and then stop and you can move her head and everything she dosent react the only way to make her come out of it other than to wait is to tap her or pick her up and some times even that dosent work.
Wow. The second time my chicks froze I went to get one but they moved.

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