Why do people cross breed there chickens?

Is it the Welsummers that are going broody on you? I'm looking for a good broody breed and like the color of the Welsummer hens.

No, I've never had a welsummer go broody....it's my Marans that like to go broody.
Is it the Welsummers that are going broody on you? I'm looking for a good broody breed and like the color of the Welsummer hens.

No, I've never had a welsummer go broody....it's my Marans that like to go broody.

Oh, okay. Sonofagun! Thanx.
I have a whole slew of that kind of chicken... I got started here in February and already it is looking like time to re-focus on just the birds I ACTUALLY want to work on and enjoy. Somehow I went from a few white silkies and six Copper Black Marans eggs, to what... five jersey giants, two barred rock pullets, a buff orpington, two NN's a RIR pullet and cockerel, black wyandottes, a pen of cuckoo marans/partridge silkie crosses, some partridge cochins, BBS marans, cuckoo marans roo, barred EE hen, mottled cochins, mille fleur cochin roo, ten mille/mottled cross chicks and ten copper black marans chicks in my bedroom... time to focus, FOCUS i say! WTH happened???

I THINK I don't want to get rid of... BBS marans, CB marans, mottled cochins, mille cochin and crosses, the partridge cochins, the silkies and silkiey crosses, NN's, the orp, the barred rocks, the barred EE, and for now, the cuckoo marans roo. That leaves the jersey giants, the wyandottes, the RIR's, and a couple of CBM roo-lookin' chicks. That will hardly even make a dent in the space/feedbill.... might need to narrow down more....
omg that is a lot of chickens and poo too !
anyone try to breed black austrlorps with rir both prolific layers what about other features wattles comb coloring?

I like the crosses because so far in my experience they seem healthier? The eggs have even hatched better. Maybe there is something to hybrid vigor. Along with just wanting to experiment.

i did not even read that part about them being in your room - i have 10 5 australorps 5 silver wyandottes - pullets -

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