Why do people hate the swallows?


Cows, Chooks & Impys - OH MY!
14 Years
Nov 9, 2007
SW Arkansas
I came online earlier to confirm the identity of some birds we saw hanging around the eaves of our house this morning. We thought they might be the same birds that have built a nest under our carport and are raising a brood.
The birds that are hanging around under the eaves are not the same birds that have built the carport nest, but I confirmed my suspicions and they are barn swallows.
Anyhow, all the information I saw online was related to removing the swallow's nest and discouraging them from hanging around. My question is why? They aren't doing any damage to the eaves or the house and I know they catch many insects. Why discourage them?

By the way, still don't have an identity for the carport parents. When I was finally able to get close enough to look I counted five babies in a tiny nest that they are quickly outgrowing. I'm also concerned about the danger involved when the parents start teaching them to fly because of our german shepherds always playing around the carport. If a baby bird crash lands, I'm afraid he won't stand much of a chance.
Maybe some people don't like their mud nests.
We have a mud swallow and her nest is under the eaves on the side of our house. She was here last year with no problems and has come back to join us again this spring.
We like her and her nest is neat to look at (so much different than the typical birds nest).
Good golly, I love the barn swallows-couldn't even begin to imagine what the skeeter population would be like without them!! Also, the babies in the spring.....
When we were kids in the UK, we always thought it was lucky to have a swallow's nest on your house. I do know that the side of your house is going to look a bit nasty after a while (bird poop), and I think some people worry about fleas/mites from the nest.

I still think it's cool, though.
I have several nests in my barns and hate it because they crap everywhere!
But, I've never taken down the nests and they return year after year!
We have swallows that nest under the eves just outside my youngest sons bedroom window every year since we moved here. It is a pleasure to watch them raise their babies and eventually watch the babies fly off into the sky with their parents. And gosh, yes, those little birds eat a ton of insects! I wouldn't dream of discouraging them!
I dont know gritty... truly, i dont.
They kill them and posion them.. its sickining....

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