why do they all want to lay in the same nest?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Feb 4, 2010
I have 4 RIR's and in the morning they all line up and start their fussing waiting for their turn in the nest. I have 3 nests but they all lay in the same one. Whay is that?
Because in their itty bitty chicken brains it makes sense to them to lay in a nest that another hen has found suitable and safe. I have 4 nestboxes for 13 hens and the eggs are usually deposited in the nest that the first hen to lay that day put hers in. If someone just can't hold it any longer they will go to another nest, but much prefer the favored one.
thanks for the reply- i guess i do have to remember they do have chicken brains.
My girls often want to do the same thing. Except with 11 of them it gets a bit noisy and angry out in the coop sometimes. I discovered that if I put a plastic easter egg in each nest that they will use those nests as well as the perceived favorite nest.
brilliant!!! i am going to try it tomorrow! my 25 girls get into quite the scuffles over their boxes (they have 20!). there will literally be a dozen in 1 box, and then none in others.
Cool makes it easy to collect

Wish my 20 hens all layed in one nest not on the floor behind the feed bin

Mine have 20 nesting boxes and a golf ball in each nest.

Some of them have actually playing with the golf balls on the floor of the coop. They push them around with thier beaks



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