WHY do you have geese?


13 Years
May 21, 2008
I was thinking about my impulse buy of a trio of sebbies and I got to thinking what do I need them for besides eye candy for the yard? Since BYC has such a variety of people I thought I would put this out there and see what others have or use their geese for. THANKS, Frogdog
They make good yard watch- or house watch, if they're indoors. People tend to be more frightened of geese because you can't deter them with steak. ;P
They are fun to have. There is never a boring moment with 5 geese in your back yard!
I don't think they lay all year round.. xP Should have gotten chickens?
because my mother likes things that have no practical purpose, that and I think she likes to see me and the hubby sliding around in goose poop while trying to work in the run
My Uncle had a goose. It was a great alarm and cheaper to feed than a guard dog but just as effective

If you want year round eggs, you need a Khaki Campbell, Indian Runner or Welsh Harlequin duck...not a goose.
I don't think they lay all year round.. xP Should have gotten chickens?

I have chickens too...lol They haven't laid at ALL yet. I was told from the person I got them from (And one other person that has some of the same) they they laid from May-Sept and then were done for that summer. They are a year old and nuttin yet... if they don't lay by winter, they won't be wintering over.
Well, I didn't plan to have geese but someone dumped a gander off at our house, I suppose because we live on a lake and probably didn't realize that the cute little gosling would grow up to be a menacing gander
I thought he was a duck, which tells you how much I knew at the time, but I felt sorry for him and took him in. He was so attached to me that I wanted to get him a partner and a lady talked me in to taking a trio because they were too noisy in her neighborhood. At the same time another woman begged me to take two more because they kept wandering off her property. I have questioned more than once how I got myself going from one goose to now ten( four goslings this spring) but I have to say I enjoy them very much and couldn't give any of them up now

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