Why does firewood foam?


11 Years
Apr 30, 2008
I bought a few cords of firewood last year and am burning it now.

Some of it is producing foam when I burn it. Does anyone know what this means?
Moisture boiling off?
Usually when wood "foams" while it's burning is because it's green, unseasoned. If it's been down a year, it should be seasoned, but the moisture content could still be high if it was down in log form, not cut into chunks. Another factor would be the amount of rain it's been exposed to, and the way it's piled. If it's been raining a lot in your area, and the woods uncovered, good dry wood's like a sponge to a point. I always pile our wood "bark side up" and cover it only on top. That way if it gets rained on, the bark, or the smooth side sheds the water, all the way through the pile. By covering it only on top, and not wrapping it like I see so many do, the wind can breeze through it to wick away any moisture from the drying process. 6% moisture content is ideal. ( I don't know how the pros get that reading ) TOO DRY can be too hot, and if you don't take care of your flue, and have a lot of creosote, ( from burning wet wood ) really dry wood is asking for a chimney fire. There's nothing like a good wood fire. Penetrating, cozy, and warm. Just my opinions,,,,,,,,,,,,be careful,,,,,,,,,,,,
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Thank you. Very valuable information. I need to stack it properly next time - pretty sure it's a moisture issue but the wood is inconsistent through the stack.

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