Hello! I have been on this site all morning! This page is so helpful! So I made myself an account!! I just got 17 chicks on they have been at my farm for about 3 weeks now!
One of them happens to be a surprise RIR rooster! I'm kind of excited about it because I have never had one but I'm also a little concerned because a lot of people say that RIR roosters are supposed to be mean. But I'm really hoping that he is not.
I ordered a trio of Welsummers, Barred rocks, Buff Orpingtons, Rhode Island Reds, and Delawares. The hatchery threw in an extra buff orpington and barred rock in case any died during delivery but they all made it just fine! So I have 2 extra! I am a little concerned about one of my chicks that is supposed to be a delaware chick. She has all white wings when the other two delawares have black on their wings! I am wondering if maybe they gave me the wrong kind.? The picture on the left is her. The one in the middle is one of my other delaware chicks. Please help.
The one on the right is my little RIR roo!
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