Why does my pullet have hackle and saddle feathers?

Some male's don't crow for a while, and if you have a older roo, the you g one may never crow until the older is dead because he's safer being quiet.

Bit that is without a doubt a rooster in the newest photos
No, like I said I do not have any roosters and I don’t think poppy was ever really exposed to any since she was a chick... I have never heard of a rooster not crowing at this age though... So this is normal?
I guess it makes sense .... I don’t know what to do though, because the farm I want to take him back to that I got him from is a five hour return drive, and as of recently my area is back in lockdown, it could be a month or two and I don’t know I’m allowed to take poppy back… But I’m also not allowed to have a rooster… Also does anyone have any similar breed hamburg sort of thing out of the same age to compare
I have a 5 year old daughter and think of Trolls every time I hear the name Poppy.

If that's how he got his name, maybe call him Branch instead... Or Guy Diamond.
I wanted to name of my chickens a really nice name so I actually took many weeks to decide… No she’s not named after trolls, just the flower or the seed I suppose

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