Why does my roo not love my turken???


10 Years
Apr 1, 2009
i personally find my turken to be a heck of a lady, but my roo apparently doesnt think so. he doesnt touch her....at all. my other hens are going bald from his over excitement to hump on them. but not my turken.
she will be a year old in april and has never laid an egg either. i feel bad, and i want some of her babies.

do they make some love potion no.9 for chickens so the action starts happening??? maybe if he starts giving her some love she will start laying....
I guess looks really do matter...men are all about looks. Paint her nails and put a bull's eye on her rear.

Okay, to be more serious, I second that, roos usually don't mate with a hen that's not laying. Could be that she's taking a while to get to onset of lay. How old is she?
If I have a hen that has not been laying and does not have a roo, I will put one with her and most of the time she will lay within a week or so. She might be at the lower end of the pecking order? He might think she is a he? He might have his favorites. You could take the roo away for a few days and then he should top anything that moves.
I had a very sweet turken named Theresa and she had no problems with laying but she did have a extremely nice mate turken. I would own these birds because of their wonderful temperament. J have no experience with your issue but I like the suggestion to remove the roo for a few days and then just put the turken hen in with him and exclude hens.
Hey now, she may be funny looking but she makes up for it in personality
She does has the loveliest eyes and I truley believe the baldness just shows them off more

She will be a year old in April, I think the long and crappy winter has delayed her laying.Maybe once we warm up she will start...or at least I hope so.I want to hatch out a few turken mixes.

My roo pushes her around like the other girls,he just doesnt mount her. I sooo want to take him out for a few days, I should probably get my larger crate around and toss his rear in.Plus that would give the girls a chance to regrow some back feathers.

I have a Roo who does that. Sticks to his own kind. I have a friend who is way into these designer breeds, Breeds that are being created by mixing different breeds together to create a new variety of chicken. And my Buff boyz definitely only want other Buff girls. And nuttin else. IF that Roo was a man, he would be called a racist, instead he is just a breedist. lolololol

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