Why don't we have a Sticky for incubating duck eggs? Lets make one!


10 Years
Jul 15, 2009
It would be really nice if we could come up with a few good posts on incubating duck eggs and put it under the sticky notes. It is a pain trying to find your answer when you need it quick.

Anyone else think this is a good idea.

ETA: Lets get all of the info started! Submit what you know for any breed/type of duck. Once we get everything together then we can submit if for a sticky.
Let the knowledge roll!
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I know about this one.
This one is mainly about chickens. I ment one that is only on ducks that could be put here in the duck section.
I agree there should be a sticky...as while there are some basic fundamentals the same- hatching duck eggs can be quite different than chcickens- and even between the different duck breeds- some things can be a litle different to maximize a hatch....

Some points for reference....

Many people claim to get better better hatch rates from duck eggs when they are laid on the sides in the incubator and turned by hand rather than upright in an aotomatic turner. Also spraying duck eggs with a fine mister spray bottle is anther practise which is said to help increase a harch rate.
That is what I was thinking. Incubating for the different breeds: ornamentals (wood ect.), muscovies, calls, wild (mallards), domestic (swedish, runner, ect.) Each different group should have a seperate section explaining the challenges for that particular type of duck. I know that there have been a lot of challenges with call this year for a lot of people here on BYC. If we can get all of this info together then I think that would be a GREAT topic to put with the other duck stickys.
I have only hatched Pekins and Runners so far- And have even noticed a few differences with them! I have had a few issues with the Runners I am hatching at the moment- but only from the smaler sized eggs I am incubating.

I guess the best place to start is with egg sellection.

The fresher the best- an eggs viablity starts to decrease after around 1 week- and storage is also important. While collecting my eggs I have them lying on the end in a cool room- but not cold. I also turn them twice a day as well when I turn the eggs in the incubator.

Choose eggs that are of a good size. Small eggs may not hatch if the duckling does not have enough space to grow. Likewise a larger egg may not loose enough moisture before the duckling is ready to hatch. I found this out when I recently set an egg I thought was a double yolker... It wasnt- and when all the other ducklings had pipped- I candled this egg and sadly saw a beak moving- but not close enough to the air cell to pip- and there was too much moisture still in the egg.

Avoid using eggs that have un even shells- or thin areas. Eggs that are cracked shouldnt be used- Some people have had success with taping or sealing a fine crack- but there is a higher risk that these eggs may explode in the incubator.
I know about this one.
This one is mainly about chickens. I ment one that is only on ducks that could be put here in the duck section.

I guess I saw the link for goose egg incubation and thought goose=duck (which I know they are not)
OK, great info!
So we can make a general duck egg incubating for the beginning. Then from there go into detail about each type of duck. So does anyone want to submit there knowledge about a certain breed/type of duck? My last duckling to hatch was my first attempt at hatching anything and I had to help it out of the shell because the humidity was too low. So I am by NO means an expert which means we needs everyone who hatches regularly to chime in.

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