Why has my rooster turned feisty?


6 Years
Aug 5, 2013
I have a really gentle and nice leghorn rooster who was really friendly, but then all of a sudden he started attacking me. Scratching and biting me :( It's so weird he'll just randomly attack me. Apart from that he's really lovely and tame and will feed from your hand and everything. Is it because he just wants to protect his flock? Although it's kinda weird attacking behavior. Does anyone know why this is happening?
We did have lots of roosters at one stage and he was one of them. And we decided to keep him because he was a nice rooster :( So we got rid of the other roosters one by one... So maybe he thinks he's going to go too :-\ I read once chickens thought of the future?? Don't know...
Does he ever walk towards you kinda sideways like while he's shuffling his feet and doing a little dance like the jitterbug? Don't laugh. I have a rooster that does this to me every mating season. He even waits outside our backdoor and crows until I come out and give him some attention...lol !!! I used to tell people about how cute he looked until I realized how strange it probably sounded to most everyone around me. I still think it's cute but now I just keep it to myself.
Haha :) no my rooster doesn't do that. He'll just be acting normal then I'll turn my back and he'll go into psycho mode and fly at me :p Today he tried to chase me around the lawn at random (?!)

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