Why hasn’t my 6-month old cockerel begun acting like a cockerel yet?

I Like Turkeys

Mar 7, 2022
I have a 6-month old cockerel named Momo, roughly between 25-26 weeks old, and I am concerned about his growth?
He has yet to start growing spurs, crow, go after hens, or anything. I’ve been giving it time, but am worried for why he hasn’t behaved like a cockerel yet. His comb has only started to redden up and grow within the last month, i have photos from april 28th of it being 1/2 the size, and a soft pink color. This also feels weird because cockerels start growing their combs earlier. He is not being bullied by the flock, the most i’ve seen is one peck to the head over food, he usually eats with the adult birds without issue, and runs up right beside the mature adult rooster constantly to get some feed, which I have a normal-matured cockerel who doesn’t do that.
He also has a beak deformity, so i’m worried it may be the reason for his issues.

This is him. If anybody knows why he isn’t behaving like a cockerel yet, or why he’s growing so slow, I would love the help.

He has some obvious deformities, and may have some internal ones too, there is no point in worrying, there is nothing you can do about maturity. I would be worried about him eating enough, and I would worry that others may begin to attack him. I once had a bird with a beak like that, and the bigger the bird got, the harder it was to get enough food into her. I decided not to do that again.

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