Why have a run at all?

Thank you for all the thoughtful answers. Ours will have a run because chickens are outdoor animals. No free ranging around here due to you-name-it threats from the ground and air (owls, hawks, weasels, lynx, bears, coyotes, wolves, dogs)
In the dead of the Alaskan winter, however, they will have to stay cooped up, but will have a splendid dust bath indoors with dirt, sand, DE indoors, plus enough light to simulate what nature does not provide here (we get down to a wan 4 hours). I bought the flat-panel convection heater with a thermostat which clicks on at 35 degrees and off at 45, plus a light, infrared heat bulb & whatever natural light can come into the two windows. The coop is 2 x 6 framing with full insulation, vapor barrier, and painted plywood sides. I will visit enough to provide some distraction, toss scratch and food tidbits from a long list of desirable goodies they like. I'm thinking how much they like the suet feeder filled with a wedge of cabbage, their seeming pleasure on hunkering down on my outstretched legs, and their ability to learn - I clicker train a bit.

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