Why? I keep getting her eggs this way


Senora Pollo Loco
14 Years
Sep 4, 2009
I don't know who is laying this, but I get one every day now for about a week.


They free range. Have fresh water out all the time. They are fed a 17% lay mash that directs not to feed additional calcium supplement.

Any ideas?
hmmm...ive had a few that were gritty by sight and touch but not like that. cant wait to see the answer
Just one hen. I have about 20 of them of various breeds out here that are laying/free ranging. I use these ones myself. I wouldn't even think to put these in to sell unless I knew the person knew chickens enough to know it isn't harmful. The shells are otherwise normal and have good density. I will be keeping my eye out to see if I can find who is doing it, but it is tough with so many using the same boxes. They have 4 but only use 2 and I constantly have hens trying to go broody these days in those 2 boxes.
Yea, I've never seen anything like that. But my Jersey Giant does a very light version of what you have going there so I'm curious if someone knows too.
I have seen some with a bump here and there, but nothing like this one. the rest of the eggs is smooth, just that pointy end is all a mass of rough, extra calcium.
Perhaps that one hen has an abnormal calcium metabolism and this is her body's way of releasing extra calcium. Maybe she cannot absorb calcium normally and her body sheds it in this manner. Could be an auto-immune response where her body doesn't recognize the calcium as a normal mineral and produces too much of it (similar to a human case of psoriasis). Seems a harmless variable, but definitely interesting. I'm certain we're over-analyzing as usual.
I've gotten some like this. Most are not nearly that bad. One or two have been. I didn't even put that much thought into it. I figured it was some kind of build of calcium and it just came out on one egg. I put it in with the other eggs that I sell or give away and noone has said anything about it.


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