Why is Daffy's leg doing this?

It's hard to judge poop by the amount of liquid since most waterfowl are water hogs. What is she eating feed and treats and in foraging? high protein can cause stinky poops. different feeds and what she may be foraging on can also cause stinky poops. If her foot is pointing inward then you def want to keep the B complex going. She may be having injuries with mating too. Drakes can hurt their female [not intentionally] but that is a lot of weight and if they mate on the ground that can cause injury. She may need rest from mating if they are still in that mode and rest from using her leg much. Swim therapy is also good to help with leg strength. Is she getting adequate calcium?
Also, I notice it more when she's walking than any other time...this is her standing still right now at the back door and they look fine here.
That looked good. I meant to say earlier my Muscovy female's feet do turn in slightly when they are walking I think it is just typical of Muscovy none have ever had a niacin deficiency.
Ok thank you, that's good to know. I've been trying to find videos online of muscovy hens walking towards the camera and couldn't find any
That is why i say when trying to figure out who is drake and female in scovy the drake's legs are set far apart under him the female's legs are set closer together so that when they walk they do look somewhat pigeon toed but all my females have been like this.

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