Why is my chick so small?


May 26, 2020
I have a group of seven 2 week old chicks. One of them is a white leghorn who is feathering out but not nearly as big as the others and very short bodied whereas the others are getting longer and bigger. The others are different breeds from her though. She eats and drinks on her own and usually eats the most when the rest are sleeping. She seems more laid back and sleepy than the rest of them as well, but when I feel her crop it’s full and she is alert and responsive. Should I get a second feeder and see if maybe she’s just being pushed away from the feed by the others? She also had problems with pasty butt during week one but now seems perfectly fine in that regard. She’s just weirdly small.
Thanks! Any advice is appreciated!

Update: this is her compared to another chick. She is the small white one. She still has not grown but is still eating and drinking

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