Why is my Cochin changing color?

Here is a picture I found on my computer of when they were 6.5 wks old, don't know if it is him for sure on the right hand side of the screen. He had wry neck about 3 or 4 months ago, all better now, & we gave him infant vitamins, would this have something to do with color change? I SWEAR this is not a prank!! What would I have to gain by it?
I took more pics today of my rooster today

, he has changed even more since I posted the first pic. I don't understand why?
You can not tell what color a chicken is going to be till it gets it's second set of feathers or adult feathers. You have a lovely splash cochin. It can give you some black, white, and splash chicks.
Yes, you are correct!! I just googled splash cochin & he looks just like one!! I am so excited, they are very pretty!! I am surprised thou that he was pure black when he was small & changed to this color. He's my husbands favorite. Thank you, my puzzle is solved!
Just remember he can be very handy at making a variety of colors. It will depend on the color of female. From what I can tell from the picture he looks like a pretty pretty boy. Nice foot feather to the third tooth. Good size! Your husband has good taste!

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