Why is my hen not laying eggs?

Jemma Rider

Nov 25, 2017
Hello, so Rosie, my half Ameraucana (no idea about her father's breed) rarely lays eggs, she'll lay once every two months or so but that can be very inconsistent.
I don't know why, I've wondered if the respiratory infection she had when i first got her knocked out her reproductive system but now I'm wondering if it could be something else? she went through a round of Tylan50 and her breathing improved and now she acts normal (she's gained a lot of weight recently but i think that's because I've started letting the flock free range so Rosie doesn't need to worry about being pecked when she eats since she's on the bottom of the pecking order).
I've thought of something like internal laying (sorry i can't remember the technical name), but her abdomen isn't swollen or feel like it's full of liquid.
I'm even wondering if it's because of her age, she's a few months over three years and I've read that egg laying decreases after a hens second year, but all of my other hens are laying very well and they were all part of the same brood.
I don't mind if the girls don't lay, i keep chickens as pets not as a food source, but i am worried this is being caused by a health issue or disease.
She's been this way since i bought her and the rest of the flock last September i believe. She is a three year old half Ameraucana hen, she is on the bottom of the pecking order and everyone is on laying pellets with oyster shells available for extra calcium if they need it, they have a pretty large coop and run (the run is just over ninety square feet but it's actually being build bigger as of today)..
I'm not sure if i put this under the right topic, sorry if it's wrong i felt like this was more behaviour then a disease or emergency.
It could be age, or stress from being bottom of pecking order......OR she may even be laying her eggs in a hidden nest when free ranging (because of the pecking order thing) but these are just a few possibilities .....
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It could be age, or stress from being bottom of pecking order......OR she may even be laying her eggs in a hidden nest when free ranging (because of the pecking order thing) but these are just a few possibilities .....
Thanks, i don't think she's hiding eggs because they've only been free ranging regularly for the last two months or so, and they've been locked up for a few days for some different reasons. I'm really hoping it's just her age.
Thank you!

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