Nov 8, 2012 #1 jfishfam Songster 9 Years Jul 1, 2010 141 1 101 Northern Indiana Our buff orpington rooster's comb is smaller than it was and not as bright in color. Otherwise he seems healthy and alert. Does anybody know why this could be happening?He is about 7 mo. old, Compare his to the hen on the left and him on the right. Look how big his comb was a couple of months ago.
Our buff orpington rooster's comb is smaller than it was and not as bright in color. Otherwise he seems healthy and alert. Does anybody know why this could be happening?He is about 7 mo. old, Compare his to the hen on the left and him on the right. Look how big his comb was a couple of months ago.
Nov 8, 2012 #2 aoxa Crowing 8 Years Aug 8, 2011 19,044 1,305 421 Shediac Cape NB, Canada My Coop My Coop It looks to me like his comb was injured.. I can't see why else it would shrink to that size. The points don't look distinct like they used to. The colour doesn't seem faded to me though.
It looks to me like his comb was injured.. I can't see why else it would shrink to that size. The points don't look distinct like they used to. The colour doesn't seem faded to me though.
Nov 13, 2012 Thread starter #3 jfishfam Songster 9 Years Jul 1, 2010 141 1 101 Northern Indiana Our rooster seems to be getting worse. He is sluggish now. We are going to isolate him and see what we can do.
Our rooster seems to be getting worse. He is sluggish now. We are going to isolate him and see what we can do.