Why is one chick smaller than the rest?


5 Years
Apr 28, 2014
I wasn't sure where to post this but anyway I have 4 15wk old lavender orpington chicks (I call them chicks since they are the youngest I have) that I bought when they were a day old so they are all same exact age. However one pullet is smaller then all of the rest. Idk why she is smaller they all get along well & she eats exactly what the others eat & they are free ranging now as well. I was just wondering what can cause one to be smaller than the others & will she always be this small? Her comb also seems to be smaller as well. I will post pic below, you can't really tell how small she is but it's definitely noticeable in person.

1 of my BO and 1 BR were much smaller than all the others until reached Hen age. The smaller were more active than the others, seemed healthy, but may not have gotten their fair share young? But at 18 months cannot see any size difference at all. And one buff was twice as big as everyone else and now just the same size.

Bet ya by next year they will all be of equal size.
Thanks! I was a little worried about her but I see her eat & do everything else the others do so I know she should be fine!

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