Why is she doing this????


12 Years
Aug 26, 2007
North Carolina
My black minorca hen is pulling EVERYBODY'S feathers out. She made my Egyptian Hodoms feet and legs bleed. I had to put her up because she would pen them to the ground and pull their feathers out. How can I stop her.


Only kidding.

I haven't a clue!

I just checked my Storey's Guide to Raising Chickens...
It says that feather picking is an early form of cannibalism. Removing her from the rest of the flock would be a good idea or the others could pick up her habit and really wreck havoc on your flock.

Overcrowding, boredom, lack of exercise, too few feeding or watering stations, feed or waterers too close together, high-calorie low-fiber rations, bright lights, excessive heat without proper ventilation, nutritional imbalance (too littlesalt or protien), and external parasites.

Hope this is some help!

I know from my experience with my buff minorca that they can be very high strung and nervous.

I think I would consider removing her from the flock, maybe try putting her in with just a couple of hens to see if she continues pulling feathers.
I went back out and SHE WAS TRYING TO PECK THEM THROUGH THE WIRE!!!! I might just have to take her back where I got her and get something else.
they get oatmeal with fruits in it every morning

Is that their daily ration? Do they get any other foods? This is not sufficient diet for a chicken. I would start evaluating that first if this is the only nutritional source. Also black oil sunflower seed (unhauled) is great to replace nutrients missing in a diet that causes feather picking.

UH NO!!!! My chickens get oatmeal in the morning for a treat. They get scratch grain and whatever else treats they get during the day.
But no chicken feed? Scratch grains is like candy and has basically no nutritional value. I think this is where your problems lies.


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