Why is she laying her egg THERE?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Sep 15, 2010
Home is where the heart is, CA
My little leghorn has been really good about keeping her eggs either in the nest or in another spot that's relatively safe. Now, suddenly, I saw her lay her egg under the roosting area (which happens to be slanted), on the cement, and watched the egg roll away from her and the other girls attack it like it was dessert.

How do I get her back into the nests?
Some girls are just lazy like that. I had a girl that treated her eggs like poop. Plopped them off of the roost.
She is no longer with us.
I have an EE that has been pushing her eggs out of the laying box. If I'm lucky she leaves them in the coop. But she has also rolled them out the door. The shells are hard, the ground soft, so thankfully they didn't break. But like you, I'm sayin', "What's up." Silly birds.

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