Why is she walking funny? - Video

I just noticed My rhode island red (1 1/2 years old) is walking like the above post. Also in a hard molt. There is a food called feather builder. Anyone ever use it.
I just noticed My rhode island red (1 1/2 years old) is walking like the above post. Also in a hard molt. There is a food called feather builder. Anyone ever use it.

I haven't used the feather fixer- the one sold around here is 18% protein while the flock raiser (purina, I think) is 20% protein. Personally I do the flock raiser with supplementary oyster shell for the layers because I've got a flock with a variety of ages from chick on up- I think the feather fixer stuff might be up there on the calcium content which isn't good for chickens not currently laying. That's my understanding of the differences, hopefully someone else will chime in with experience using the feather fixer and/or builder for hard molt.
I just noticed My rhode island red (1 1/2 years old) is walking like the above post. Also in a hard molt. There is a food called feather builder. Anyone ever use it.
I recently added fermented feed and 18% all purpose chicken feed. Not that they were eating alot since they are free range. And free choice oyster shell.

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