Why is she walking like this?


Aug 20, 2021
Seattle, WA
Two months ago I asked about my 2.5-year-old RIR because she was walking a little funny, slouching with each step. I got some advice to give her calcium and she seemed fine the next day.

They all just went through a molt recently. I switched the feed to a chick starter because of this. I don't give them too many treats. Just yogurt every few days and scratch grains every couple days.

She hasn't laid an egg in three months so I'm not sure what's going on. Her comb also isn't red and her face also looks different after her molt. She's acting fine otherwise but she has been roosting on the bottom, when she used to roost on the top. She also had trouble flying up to the top anyway. Is she just overweight? I don't know what to do but I'll give her two calcium tablets for now since it worked the last time.


Two months ago:
Poor girl! By the looks of it, her abdomen may be bloated which is probably causing her to walk like that.
Could you go feel her abdomen (abdomen is underneath the vent behind the legs) and compare it to some other hens?
Poor girl! By the looks of it, her abdomen may be bloated which is probably causing her to walk like that.
Could you go feel her abdomen (abdomen is underneath the vent behind the legs) and compare it to some other hens?
Yep. So her abdomen does feel a little bloated and solid. My one hen that's still laying, her abdomen is softer and squishy. I felt another hen that isn't laying, and her abdomen is flat. What should I do for a bloated abdomen??

I think maybe it's egg peritonitis? I'm bringing her in tonight in the bathroom. I read online to try that and keep it humid instead of an Epsom bath. Also found a recipe for oregano and cinnamon tea. I think there are antibiotics but I can't find a store near me that carries those.
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Yep. So her abdomen does feel a little bloated and solid. My one hen that's still laying, her abdomen is softer and squishy. I felt another hen that isn't laying, and her abdomen is flat. What should I do for a bloated abdomen??

I think maybe it's egg peritonitis? I'm bringing her in tonight in the bathroom. I read online to try that and keep it humid instead of an Epsom bath. Also found a recipe for oregano and cinnamon tea. I think there are antibiotics but I can't find a store near me that carries those.
She most likely has ascites, or some sort or reproductive issue, and sadly at this point you probably won't be able to cure her. All you can do is offer supportive care measures.
You'll want to get an 18 gauge needle and insert it into her abdomen to drain the fluid, as to give her relief. Draining can also help tell what's going on by the color of it.
A couple years ago I had a hen with something similar, on here I found an oregano cinnamon recipe, I gave it to her and it really did help. I believe the recipe is 1tbsp of dried oregano and 1/2 a cinnamon stick boiled in a medium sized sauce pan filled with water halfway for 15 minutes.
She most likely has ascites, or some sort or reproductive issue, and sadly at this point you probably won't be able to cure her. All you can do is offer supportive care measures.
You'll want to get an 18 gauge needle and insert it into her abdomen to drain the fluid, as to give her relief. Draining can also help tell what's going on by the color of it.
A couple years ago I had a hen with something similar, on here I found an oregano cinnamon recipe, I gave it to her and it really did help. I believe the recipe is 1tbsp of dried oregano and 1/2 a cinnamon stick boiled in a medium sized sauce pan filled with water halfway for 15 minutes.
That makes me really nervous to try and drain it, especially since she flops around a lot. :/

Glad to hear the oregano and cinnamon tea helped. I'll keep giving it to her tomorrow.
That makes me really nervous to try and drain it, especially since she flops around a lot. :/
I understand. But it may sounds worse than it is, and it would help her with walking.
Only thing is risk of infection.
Glad to hear the oregano and cinnamon tea helped. I'll keep giving it to her tomorrow.
Sounds good!
I gave it to my hen everyday for the rest of her life, which was only a few months.
I understand. But it may sounds worse than it is, and it would help her with walking.
Only thing is risk of infection.

Sounds good!
I gave it to my hen everyday for the rest of her life, which was only a few months.
My mom has been wanting to slaughter her. Should I just let her do it? I didn't want to but it doesn't sound like she has much time left :(
My mom has been wanting to slaughter her. Should I just let her do it? I didn't want to but it doesn't sound like she has much time left :(
Some people would cull, and some would support her until her time seems to be up. Its up to you, and what you think is best.
If she's still in good spirits and is active, then I say not yet. If she starts going downhill then you may want to consider it.
I'm so sorry. :hugs
Some people would cull, and some would support her until her time seems to be up. Its up to you, and what you think is best.
If she's still in good spirits and is active, then I say not yet. If she starts going downhill then you may want to consider it.
I'm so sorry. :hugs
I just drained about 50ml of fluid from her. It's dark yellow, which I think it does mean egg yolk peritonitis? Did you give your hen an antibiotic? I have Tylan 50 and I doused her with rubbing alcohol before and after and put Neosporin on the wound. Should I still give her Tylan?


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I just drained about 50ml of fluid from her. It's dark yellow, which I think it does mean egg yolk peritonitis?
I'm not sure. I know clear, pale yellow fluid means ascites, and a brown opaque fluid means a reproductive infection.
I'll tag some people who should know, and may be more of a help. @azygous @Wyorp Rock @Eggcessive
Did you give your hen an antibiotic?
I did not, I don't think I had any at the time and I wasn't nearly as knowledgeable about illnesses as I am now.
I have Tylan 50 and I doused her with rubbing alcohol before and after and put Neosporin on the wound. Should I still give her Tylan?
Hmm, Tylan50 is used more for respiratory issues. Something like Baytril or Amoxacillin would be better for something like this.
Very good you did the alcohol and neosporin, do that every time you drain. I failed to mention the alcohol when draining, I'm glad you did do it!

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