Why it's important to provide OPTIMAL nutrition this time of year

It is meant to be a supplement /top dress much like Calf Manna.
At 32% minimum crude protein that would be a over kill and a wast to feed it as a sole feed.

It is meant to be a supplement /top dress much like Calf Manna.
At 32% minimum crude protein that would be a over kill and a wast to feed it as a sole feed.

OK. Got my feed store to order me some. Hope they like it!
I just got my bag of Ultra Kibble and the third ingredient is SOY BEAN MEAL, right after Corn Gluten Meal and Corn, which is everything Im trying to stay from.............
I thought the big deal was to get SOY FREE FEED
See, I think there are 2 versions. Yours might be the earlier one? And maybe they've changed the formula recently? See the 2 ingredients lists I posted on the page b/f this one. VERY different ingredients, same product. I hope what I get is the newer version. I'm not convinced that soy is evil, LOL, but my organic layer pellets contain it (organic) so I'd just as soon avoid it in this supplement.
Ive been feeding Purina Layena since I got my chickens 3 yrs ago. No Problems I know of. However, Im a 'natural nut' I like natural cures, herbs, etc etc. I spend a fortune on stuff like that.
I have read that soy is not that good for you, especially in huge amounts.
So I was intrigued by the soy free. I have a soy free food ordered from Rainbow Eggs.
My hens eat very little layer anyway. They peck around all day in my back yard. I give them scratch every day, they have oyster shell out, but dont seem to eat any, and I add diatomaceous earth to their food also.

Why would there be an OLDER VERSION? if so, that makes my bag OLD.
I saw the website where they give 2 different ingredient lists. Not sure why, but I know my bag is the one with soy bean meal.

pam in TX
My links were to 2 different websites, but same product. If they only recently changed the formula, your bag might not be truly OLD, just older.
I ordered a sample 2 pack of Ultrakibble with 2 forage cakes from the Suet Store for $25 with free shipping. Figured it was a good deal to see first if they like it. I know they like the forage blocks.
Lazy J Farms Feed & Hay :

We do NOT import much Soybean Meal from China, we produce virtually all of our domestically consumed Soybean Meal in the USA.

Thanks for putting me straight on the China soybeans. Can't trust some sites that try to scare you off soybeans by playing the China card. In fact, China buys from us, as they consume more than they can grow.

The one interesting thing I found was that China has plenty of soybean meal producers which do sell to animal feed companies. China had 138 on this wholesale site http://www.alibaba.com/showroom/soybean-meal-animal-feed.html , and the USA 24. Lots of other countries selling it too. Obviously, it is very popular but I am now going to try Countryside Organics soy free.​

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