Why my hen is so skinny? I hope this helps some one in need.


Jan 2, 2020
Mystery Symptoms Experienced:
lack of absorption of nutrients, hen looked starved, she gets skinnier day by day with no discoloration of face or comb, act normal, eat normal, drink normal, stopped production of eggs, no tumors or lumps, no mites or lice and have been deworm

What Happened:
My hen Ruby 4y/o was getting really really really skinny. She is the leader of the flock, usually big all year round. For a week I watched her closely isolated by herself. She is very active jumping on her roost and during feedings. She eats and drink a lot. Daily fresh water and feed. Every night I check on her, her crop is full. Yet she was not getting any bigger. Naturally I get her some dewormer (Morning Bird Worm Away). I focus on her poop. No worms but still solid tube like shape. I noticed the color over time a brownish grey color from green. A few days on probiotics, vitamins, hen boost, ACV, oregano oil and anything else you can get at the feed store. Zero results. She is not improving.

The Vet:
So I decided to take her to the vet. Out the box, she flaps her wings with a great amount of strength. Actively tries to get away from the vet every chance she gets. The veterinarian is impressed but can't see why Ruby is so skinny. She samples Ruby's feces. And the result: Giardias. Ruby has a severe case of giardia.

Some info on giardia:

This is the first time I have ever heard about giardia. She explained that Ruby is still full of energy and that is a good sign. If she was in a weaken state there may not be much I can do. 12 days of Ronidazole she instructed. I will follow up on how the treatment goes. Today is day 1 for my Ruby.

I write this in hope that it my help any of you fellow BackYard Chicken-ers. Members come to these forums to find answers to what is going on with our feather friends. I lost a few ladies last year due to this. Even after deworming them. With no lost of appetite or daily activeness. Clean water and food. I couldn't understand why they kept getting skinnier and skinnier till they died. So if any of your flock is going through this, I hope this helps.
Thank you for posting. Please let us know how she progresses.
Sorry for the late response. I am glad to say that the meds worked! She has recovered for a few months now. Just hatched her first batch since she been sick. Very glad i took her to the vet. Naturally you start self medicating with whatever you can find or think of. I've done that before, but this time around i wanted professional help from a vet and happy i did. Two years ago, I lost one of my main stud due to this. He just kept getting slim and slim to the point he passed.
Sorry for the late response. I am glad to say that the meds worked! She has recovered for a few months now. Just hatched her first batch since she been sick. Very glad i took her to the vet. Naturally you start self medicating with whatever you can find or think of. I've done that before, but this time around i wanted professional help from a vet and happy i did. Two years ago, I lost one of my main stud due to this. He just kept getting slim and slim to the point he passed.

How do you know your deaths from two years ago were due to this same thing?

Did your vet mention regularly deworming your flock with Safe-guard to help keep the giardia at bay?

I do not know for sure. If I had to bet my money, I believe it was the cause of death of the other birds. The symptoms were very similar. 1 was a 2y/o rooster and the other was a 3month old male. They ate a lot and pooped a lot. But they birds kept getting skinny until they passed. I tried many different wormers to no success. Seeing it before and knowing what happened a few years ago, I took the hen to the vet to know what is causing it.
I do not know for sure. If I had to bet my money, I believe it was the cause of death of the other birds. The symptoms were very similar. 1 was a 2y/o rooster and the other was a 3month old male. They ate a lot and pooped a lot. But they birds kept getting skinny until they passed. I tried many different wormers to no success. Seeing it before and knowing what happened a few years ago, I took the hen to the vet to know what is causing it.
Do you remember which exact dewormers you used?

It's no big deal I'm just curious.
My thoughts after reading this (other than a BIG THANK YOU!) is that free ranging flocks would be highly susceptible to this, huh?
My flock loves to drink from puddles and other places where water pools outside even despite the fact I have more than one waterer with fresh water in it. It probably has been the source of chicken illness and death as yes, I have had issues like this where worming did nothing to help.
Thank you for this post!

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