Why refridgerate?

Kezzie...thanks for pointing out that article. Very interesting read.

...and Ruby, you are much like me. Some get refrigerated and some go too quickly for sale before having a chance to put in fridge.

I've also heard that "don't let them sweat" thing.

But mine are out most of the time and just fine.

If there's any question just put them in a bowl of water and if they float...yuck and if they don't... yum.
So the basic rule of thumb is:
Store washed eggs in the fridge. Unwashed eggs can be stored on the counter if ambient temperature is below 80*F, or they must be used quickly. If the house is cooler, they can be left out a month before there is any noticable decline in quality. Unless you have dogs,cats, or small children that climb up and play with things they're not supposed to. Never refrigerate eggs that you intend to hatch.
But it all boils down to personal preference.
They will last longer in the fridge but if you use them quickly that won't matter. They are good for months (6months possibly) in the fridge, unwashed, and no special care. The average quoted for leaving them out is that they age equal to one week in the fridge for every day left on the counter. That means aside from really hot conditions where you don't air condition your house in a hot climate they should be fine for weeks on the counter. I don't use all my eggs in weeks. Sometimes I don't use them all in months and then when I start running out of room for other things in my fridge I start giving away the oldest eggs to people for free. Half my eggs spend days if not a week on the counter before I get around to putting them in cartons in the fridge though. I also never wash them. I've yet to come across a bad egg.

I've hatched lots of refrigerated eggs. Unless I'm collecting eggs to sell all my eggs get the same treatment. I just keep track of how old they are before I set them. I've frequently set eggs that spent 5 days in the fridge and haven't seen any real drop in hatch rate. If you aren't setting eggs for more than the suggested 10 days you will actually get a higher hatch rate from refrigerating them than not.
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