Why wasn't this on the Front Page???? Should Have been, Please Read!!!


13 Years
Jan 11, 2007
Frankford, NJ

Navy Petty Officer Mike Monsoor

PO2 (EOD2) (Explosive Ordnance Disposal)
Mike Monsoor, a Navy EOD Technician, was
awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor
posthumously for jumping on a grenade in Iraq,
giving his life to save his fellow Seals.
(Notice: Mike was not a Navy SEAL, he was EOD..
He gave his life to save a group of Navy SEALS.)

During Mike Monsoor's funeral in San Diego ,
as his coffin was being moved from the hearse
to the grave site at Ft. Rosecrans National
Cemetery , SEAL's were lined up on both sides
of the pallbearers route forming a column of two's,
with the coffin moving up the center. As Mike's
coffin passed, each SEAL, having removed his
gold Trident from his uniform, slapped it down
embedding the Trident in the wooden coffin.


The slaps were audible from across the cemetery; by the time the coffin arrived grave side,
it looked as though it had a gold inlay from all the Tridents pinned to it.

This was a fitting send-off for a warrior hero..

This should be front-page news instead of the crap we see every day..
Since the media won't make this news,

I choose to make it news by forwarding it ..

I am very proud of our military. If you are proud too, please pass this on. If not then rest assured that these fine men and women of our military will continue to serve and protect.

God Bless our Troops
Because it isnt flashy, our front page has a 16 year old beating his mom with a baseball bat for not sharing her fries with him. Now that will sell a paper or two.
Gives you chills. They should definately focus on a real hero like this instead of the garbage that comes out of Hollywood! (Unless of course they do something that is actually a humanitarian act and not just a publicity stunt.)
I just looked it up on snopes, according to them this was in 2006. Kinda amazing that this story is just starting to get around, The stories like this are the one that deserve national attention, not the Kim Kardashian, Lindesy Lohan, Brittney Spears stories that actually do get the headlines. It's names like Mike Mansoor that we should know.
Thank you do very much for posting this. Sadly, the media as most humans these days focus only on the negative, bad and horrifying.

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