Why won't my chickens lay eggs ?

I'm right there with u . My hens are 7 months old now and dam eggs at all. They are well fed and have fresh water everywere they free range all over my backyard so I watch them and they are always right in my sight. So I know they arnt laying eggs even in there own nest. I'm puzzled to . My one maran always has her but in the air when she is laying down. I'm wondering what the heck is going on. I should have eggs by now
I was I the same boat two months ago, my girls, who were all about 8 months at the time hadn't started laying yet. Is it cold where you are(I forgot to look at your location)? They might be waiting for spring. Once it started warming up here, and the days got a little longer, they started laying.
You could try adding a light on a time in the morning to turn on an hour or two before the sun comes up. We did this in the beginning of March and we literally got our first egg a couple days later. Now mine are all laying like crazy and we are up to our ears in eggs!

Patience is hard, but they WILL start laying eventually. I was convinced I got the only non-egg laying hens in the entire world until mine started laying. Hahaha!
I am having the same problem- but my chickens are a bit younger- 8 months. I did come out one day 2 weeks ago and found 1 egg on the ground- I was so excited! Then, everyday since, no eggs. I changed their food to the calcium laced egg laying pellet about 1 month ago, and I am putting a light in the coop. They have a roomy coop and a small run connected as we live in Alaska and they cannot roam free in the winter. I would love whatever help as well.
I have got three nearly 1 year old chickens - 2 wyandottes and 1 araucana, they laid quite early around about 8 months old and now not laying at all!. The wyandottes are broody sometimes but the araucana isn't broody just not laying at all (tart). I've tried everything. changed their food, putting one in a separate box so wind can go under its bum, feed them bone dust and checked for mites or lice. I'm getting at my witts end - please help
My cuckoo marans wont lay eggs and weve had them for a week now there about 1 1/2 years old, and we thought it was a good idea to put ceramic eggs in so they know there aloud to lay, But nothing happened. We also have 2 RIR and only 1 lays eggs and it layed 2 different colors it was a normal egg color and a sorta white one? And ITS SUMMER??!!

Please HELP!!
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I'm new to chickens this year but have learned a lot from this forum. One thing I noticed and then read about was the squatting. Do yours squat if you go to pet them? When I noticed this they seemed to lay pretty quickly.

HEY! Nice advice. I thought they were squatting because they were super afraid of me :) Then I could say that my layers do squat when I touch them, versus my 3 that don't lay (they don't squat).
OK so my chickens are 1,1/2 yrs old and was laying pretty of then well things slowed down out of 7 hens i may get 2 eggs some days 4 the next then 1 i have them a very nice coop clean straw,fresh water ,some days i let them roam some days not ,i give them lettuce some times mostly 16 percent lay mesh,and oyster shell not sure whats,its was warm out side but now cooloing down in the night and time will soon be changing so ill put a light for them not sure what else to do
Mine are just coming up on 6 months and only one BR was laying. Then i got rid of tge rooster and she started laying soft and no shelled. She spends time in box but now nothing..broody? Out of 5 only 2 are squatting. Still nothing since roo left.also temps have dropped about the same time all this started. I've been thinking about adding a couple of hrs. Of light to see what happens...maybe they just won't til spring?

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