Why wont my geese swim in their pond?


In the Brooder
Sep 19, 2020
Hi!! Im new here and signed up to ask a question. We've build this pond for my two geese, and they loved it when they where still goslings, swimming and splashing around all day long. But now when they're fully feathered, they refuse to get in, even when its hot outside... does somebody know what is the problem??


  • 20200919_153557.jpg
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:welcome Is there any possibility that a snapping turtle has entered the pond ?
No that cant be it, it isn't that big and deep (50 cm by 200 cm, by 200 cm) and we clean it out every day because of some stringy algae. There are 6 goldfish in there though, to eat the bugs.
I had a goose refuse to use her pond for several months, until I found out she was scared of the frogs in it. Had to empty the pond, relocate the frogs, place her kiddie pool in the pond, and gradually lower the kiddie pool until I could finally remove it and she would use the pond again. Also bought waders so I could be in the pond with her and show her there were no more frogs to be scared of. It took about six weeks, as I recall.

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