Why would my Rhode Island red be so small still


In the Brooder
Apr 15, 2016

Does anyone know why my Rhode Island who is 9 months old would still be so small? I am including pictures.

We got the RIR at the end of March. It was said to be a pullet, and also said to be about 10 weeks old. We have a mixed flock of birds. The RIR has grown very very slow. Our silky that was yhe same age started laying last month. This one has been very challenging to tell. Thank you so much for weighing in.
Thank you Cel45--maybe it is a bantam RIR. Thank you, Jordan293, I will wait and see if it lays or crows...

I purchased 8, said to be pullets and r4 turned out to be
Roos :(
Hard to tell how small she is without seeing her next to a regular sized RIR. Looks healthy. Do the other birds bully her away from the feeder?
Drumstick Diva, she's the only RIR I have. No, she doesn't seem to get bullied... She eats all day long too. We feed organic. Her crop feels full during the day so we know she's getting food. We give treats such as black sunflower seeds, pumkin seeds, meal worms. But to pick her up, she feels really light weight. Seems like she has a growth stunt. I just hope nothing is wrong. We have nothing else to go by.

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