why would my rooster (that only likes me) attacked me today?


8 Years
Jun 1, 2016
My rooster that only likes me out of everyone, spurred me when I turned my back to him. It was extremely hot and humid out and that's only thing I can think of why he would of done it. My feelings are hurt :(
Can I break him from it? I'm new to chickens, and it truly disturb me and hurt my feelings. Does that mean he doesn't like me?
How old is he? What breed? If he's attacking people, it's unlikely to turn out well. If he gets corrected a couple of times, and keeps coming at you anyway, that's who he is. Has he been sidling up to you, dipping a wing in your direction, generally acting towards you as if you are another chicken? NOT GOOD! And it's nothing personal, he's a chicken, and shouldn't think that you are part of his flock. Mary
My rooster that only likes me out of everyone, spurred me when I turned my back to him. It was extremely hot and humid out and that's only thing I can think of why he would of done it. My feelings are hurt
Were you paying any significant attention to the hens? His actions could be either protective or dominance based; IOW he's trying to establish himself as the alpha male. If it becomes habitual you might try quarantining him for a while, that's how I had to do in order let mine know who was boss.
I'm not sure about his age, he showed up in our yard Easter week. He is definitely not real young or old. He is a huge buff orphianton. We built him a huge run and coop and I got two adult hens off my dad for him. He attacks my husband and my mom but he has never attacked me until today when I was putting a treat in there for him and the hens. He has been acting strange the past two days, like I'll catch him out of the corner of my eye putting his head down like his ring on his neck was going to come up but I thought I was just being paranoid until today
I did reach to pet one of the hens, all of them was really hot today and I pet him too, he usually runs from me when I try to give him affection, but he didn't run from me today, instead when I turned my back to him he spurred me . Is there other ways to show him I'm the boss? I Spoil them and I'm really soft with them. I'm a total push over with animals unfortunately
That's exactly what i was thinking why he got dumped on us too
he was always so sweet before and he is just so beautiful. I could never re home him. I guess I'll have to keep eyes on the back of my head now. I knew roosters could be mean, but I thought he was different ugh

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