Why would they suddenly stop laying?


12 Years
Mar 6, 2011
I have two hens (a khaki campbell and a rouen mix) that have been very faithful layers since they started laying last August. There has only been a day or two since then that we haven't gotten any eggs from them. Well, we haven't gotten any eggs from them in 5 days. What could make them just stop laying. They have fresh food, fresh water, and appear to be disease free.

Did anything change before they stopped laying? Sometimes ducks stop laying because something's different. For example, if you sell a duck they might stop laying, if you start them on new food they might stop laying, etc. Also, sometimes they just need a break, although I'm not sure why they would both stop at the same time if that's the case. I can't think of any other reason they would stop laying if they aren't sick...Sorry that I couldn't be more help.
I Too have found that happens.. i have gotten an egg a day from my non broody hen, today nothing but she was cuddling up with drakes last night
I Too have found that happens.. i have gotten an egg a day from my non broody hen, today nothing but she was cuddling up with drakes last night
Just cause she is cuddling doesn't mean she is making eggs. They do need a break from laying periodically for their health. I have 6 ducks that could be laying right now the other 2 are brooding and only got 2 eggs yesterday.
Mr. Holderread says that egg laying breeds need a break to molt and recharge every 10-18 months. Your ducks have been laying for 10 months, perhaps they are preparing to molt.
I did change feed from pellets to an organic blend. That must of done it. I hope they will start laying again soon. I did some baking yesterday and depleted my duck egg supply. I was also thinking that they are due for a molt, so it could be a combo of things.

Thanks everyone for your prompt responses!
My 6 ducks and 2 geese were laying consistently in their coop every night. Then one day, they decided to sleep near our pond and nest on the banks at night. They no longer come back up to the barn to their coop at dark. While this concerns me a little, I have noticed when something frightens them they just jump in and swim out into the deep. What puzzles me the most is that they immediately stopped laying. I have searched and searched the brush and grasses around the pond and cannot find any eggs. Our donkeys and dogs keep the critters away so I doubt anything is stealing eggs and I know geese kill snakes, so I have no clue. Perhaps the change in their daily routine and feeding pattern, as mentioned above, has their egg laying on hold. I can only hope.

My duck squeakers is almost 3 years old and she stoped laying eggs latly and now her but has been bleeding and she can8d stand at all. She ends up falling over every time she trys to walk or just stand. What do i do?
My duck squeakers is almost 3 years old and she stoped laying eggs latly and now her but has been bleeding and she can8d stand at all. She ends up falling over every time she trys to walk or just stand. What do i do?
@LilErHead She maybe egg bound If at all possible she needs to see a vet.

How is she today?

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