wierd questions

A Hen who is tired of sitting on her eggs all day will buy it from you, she hopes you will sell it to her Cheep, Cheep, Cheep! Why did the Rooster sit on top of the Alarm Clock?
Because thats wher you live (its about 60 where I am)

What class are German Short haired Pointers? (ex. Toy, sport ect.)
Either a v-----e-----r-----y s-----l-----o-----w chicken or a turtle that likes to cross roads.

What would happen if you crossed a chicken and a millipede?
Because the day they were giving Brains to the Turkeys, the Turkeys mistaked (Braining) for (Raining) and all ran back inside the coop, cause they didn't want to get wet, so they missed out on getting Brains. What made the Ostrich stick his head in the sand?

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