wierdest chicken name?

Cheeto, Frito and Dorito the buff orps (after a lunchtime discussion of things that are yellow)

Maude the Polish (because she looks like a little old lady with her hat on)

Dasher, Dancer, Prancer and Vixen were the December babies. Dasher, Dancer and Prancer turned out to be boys and have since gone to a good (if short lived) home. Vixen is doing just fine.
My Banty Brothers (2 OE Bantam Roo's) are named:
Ronnie Waddles (After the Uncle who gave them to my DD and because he had HUGE waddles compared to his head when little)
and his Brother:
Rip Van Wrinkle-- because he was always getting his wrinkly little Waddles ripped-up by the other Roo's...
Luckily, he grew an attitude, and developed great areal skills, so that doesn't happen anymore!
Madonna - Blond silkie who is too good for everyone else
Tina Turner - Buff silkie who has a Tina Turner hairstyle
Jelly - Cuckoo maran rooster that my son smuggled into the laundry room and fed him grape jelly. He loved it, who knew...
My 4 yr old named our barred rock Brownie (brother: "shouldn't you name the brown one Brownie...?") and our blue wyandotte Rosemary Supergirl.
New baby white crested polish. ..praying it's a girl.

Phyllis Diller


a remarkable resemblance.

or I guess we could change it to Phil. yeah, Phil in drag!
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Keithandra Richards ( i named a polish keith richards thinking he was a boy. nope....a girl so i had to change it.)

Betcha im the ONLY one with a chicken named that


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