wild bird seed


10 Years
Jun 1, 2009
Is there any reason why chix should NOT have wild bird seed? I don't mean as their source of food, I mean just scattered around once in awhile...theory being, they can either snack on it, or it might sprout into a tasty morsel....I have sunflowers sprouting from seeds dropped from the wild bird feeders and I've tossed a couple of blooming ones into the pen, and plan to do that with others when they bloom.... just a random thought I had........
I don't see any problems with it. My birds lived on it for a few months (long story short, they went out of sight whenever I let them out of the coop. One day I followed them and found them ransacking the leftovers from my neighbor's bird feeder
My chickens get wild bird seed as a treat when it falls from the deck onto the ground from the bird feeder. The woodpeckers and bluejays love knocking the seed all over the place.
Oh I love Blue Jays!! So many folks consider them nuisances, but I just love them. Used to have lots of them around, but the past year or so they have all but disappeared...but am seeing a couple this year, their bright blue and the red of cardinals is such a treat... saw a baby being fed by its mama last week on my patio and it just made my day!!

(long story short, they went out of sight whenever I let them out of the coop. One day I followed them and found them ransacking the leftovers from my neighbor's bird feeder hmm ).

Good thing you have understanding neighbors, I doubt mine would be so tolerant.....(they are the "Yard of the Month" type folks and frown at me quite frequently!!)

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