Wild Bob-White Quail Populations?

Here in southern KY, the only wild gamebirds I've seen are turkeys. I've only seen a few bobwhites and those were escapees my neighbor failed to trap after training his dogs. I've seen a ringneck, once, but it was a few days after hunting 'season' (when the state releases ringnecks into the gvmt. land directly behind us strictly for the purpose of hunting) but only that once and I'm sure it didn't live long after. I don't know that I could recognize a bobwhite call if I ever did hear one, I can't say that I ever have.
How big of flight pen do you suggest? My husband and I want to raise and release Bobwhites starting next Spring and see if we can help re-pop them as Bobwhites are very rare in our area. I understand we will have to get permits and license as we have several neighbors in area that started raising Turkeys or Pheasants and releasing for 5-10 years now and they have really done pretty well in helping to repop them in the area, but it has taken time. State had a ban on both to protect them. Turkeys raised and release has made them a normal site and sound here and pop enough that hunters can get a permit for one a year. : ) Pretty good considering just a few years ago you had to go north or south several hours to maybe see them.
Maybe we can help make bobwhites a normal site within 10 years too as, we still have lots of ag land, woods w/creeks in the area
and we try to limited coyote numbers from growing to fast.
There are one to three under my quail pens every time you drive up or walk outside. They insist on wooing my young birds, sometimes hens come by as well. They feed with the dove on the dropped sunflower seeds my bride uses in her feeders. When It gets dry and I turn on the sprinkler, they seem to more interested in hangin around. They can be heard almost any time if the suns up. If not, just whistle, 90% of the time one will answer back. One of the things I love most about living here. Bill
Releasing Bobs Is Difficult And A Legal Burden If Legal At All In Majority Of States. At Best, If Done Correctly By Knowledgeable Folks Maybe 2% Survival Rate To Breeding. Thats If Done Right. Here's The Kicker--- The Reason You Have No Wild Bobs Is Environmental--- We Have Destroyed Their Natural Habitat. If They Have No Natural Habitat To Use Then It Doesnt Matter How Many Thousands You Release Each Week It's All In Vain And You're Simply Sending Them Off To Their Deaths
Near me there are healthy populations of wild turkeys and scaled quail. A friend of ours has to listen to one that thinks it's cool to stand on his neighbor's roof and crow his head off to impress the ladies.
Yes JJ, the reason we don't have BW quail ranging trough our property is a habitat issue. Not a permit, or quaillover69's ability to properly release X number of quail. No matter how many birds one releases.

Personally, I think your 2% survival rate to breeding is high, and there is ZERO, to less ZERO chance that any pen raised quail of any species will ever produce a second generation in the wild.
I have heard that habitat loss is the problem. My property is in a rural, wooded area, so that gives me hope, and it backs up to hundreds (?) of acres of wooded land. I know nothing about it at all, you all told me about the need for a license. Anyone know why it's illegal to release without a license?
Wild turkeys seem to be going the other way -- increasing in both numbers and range. At least here in Michigan they are. "Up North" they're becoming as common as crows or Canada geese. Here in the metro Detroit area, they are increasing in the outer fringe suburbs and moving inward. They have apparently learned to adapt to the conditions they find after man has altered the ecosystem. A lot of suburbanites aren't too happy about this, because of the mess and the noise. There are also a couple of small scattered pockets of feral peacocks in the area that have been around for quite a few years -- once again, a source of controversy, because some people like them and others hate them.

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