Wild Canadian Goose

Hi All, Hoping to get some insight on what if anything I can do about this poor wild Canadian goose that has been sitting on her nest since the 3rd week of March. Surely these can't still be viable. Is there anything I can do to help her. She and the dad are very protective. I have kept my dogs and other varmints away to help her but I have 15 acres fenced in and naturally the dogs want to go to the nest. How long will she sit? Any help would be appreciated.
Welcome. @janiedoe gave you good information. I will also tag some goose members. @Lacy Duckwing, @Jenbirdee

Welcome to BackYard Chickens! Because these geese are wild, do not go near or try to touch them or their nest. I would continue keeping your dogs away from her, as after the goslings hatch, they may continue returning to the nest at night (even if they don't, they'll still be in the area). If they become too much of a problem, you could contact your local Game Warden and see if they will relocate them. (If you go that route, please ensure that they will be relocating, and not killing them.) For the nesting period, it could be 45-50 days, with the incubation period of 25-30 days (temps and humidity may effect).

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