Wild Turkey hanging around my chicken flock


8 Years
May 31, 2011
I have a small flock of chickens (11). All are females. I let them free range all day in my backyard. They are still pretty young, abound 2 months now. Well, I was watching them from my window this morning and I saw 1 wild turkey hanging around them. I have never had a turkey in my yard before, I have seen them a few blocks away but they have always been with other turkeys. Will this turkey hurt them? Why has it started hanging around? I have always thought wild turkeys were dangerous and I dont want it hurting my ladies. Any info wold be great !!
it's prob a hen with a nest near by an she is looking for some fast food.do you throw out scratch we have a hen that has a nest by our house an she comes out to eat with our chickens an ducks every morning early afternoon she comes by again

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