Wild turkeys pure?

hatchery wild turkeys tend not to be pure bred even though they say that they are. like on the easterns all you have to do is look at their pictures of their stock and compare to real wild eastern turkeys. they hatchery birds tend to look more like a bronze or a rio with buff tail feathers. i have a friend that has been looking for the real thing for several years and has yet to find one she is satisfied that is pure. she does however have pure rio grandes and i am trying to start a flock of my own from her flock. i have one hen right now that i hatched last year. more in the incubator right now waiting for the end of the month!
Are these pure
I'm not sure. I have seen the website as well. But since they don't show real pictures of their birds i don't know. I kinda doubt it...when I get my flock going I'd be more than happy to sell you some eggs though. I have one hen now but she's not laying yet
Most easterns don't have the light colors on the tip of their tail feathers. That picture looks more like a rio
Thanks, I would love to get some, I have chocolate, royal palm, and bourbon red turkeys, right now. Along with 12 feathered poults that are taking up room

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