Ended Wildlife Photo Contest

If it makes any difference, I can assure you he is a wild bird. His territory includes my garden and he often joins my flock to share meals here, but he is most definitely wild and never roosts with them. Recently he hurt his foot and I can't get close enough to catch him to take to a vet to reset the dislocated toe.

eta but because of his foot I can get closer than usual, which is why I managed to get a relatively good photo of him!
I wasn't questioning whether he was wild at your house or not.

I don't see pheasants on this linked (DOMESTIC) list so I wasn't sure.
  1. An entry is one photo of a wild bird(s), insect(s), reptile(s), mammal(s), amphibian(s), etc. NO DOMESTIC POULTRY OR DOMESTIC WATERFOWL.

We have wild peafowl in a few areas in town. They are wild here but wouldn't be considered wild for this contest.
Did you buy candy at the corner store or milkshakes?
So long ago that milkshakes hadn't been invented yet. Being the conservative me, money went into the bank. I started a bank account at 10 or 11 years old. With the pheasants I had 3 raising pens 100'long, 30' wide and 8' high. I was able to raise long tail beautiful birds and got a premium price for them - especially if hunters showed up and wanted a live bird in a burlap sack. :p
I don't know how many entry I have

Entry 4
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