Will a broody hen reject her chicks? 3 eggs not even making a noise at day 21, are they still alive?


8 Years
Jun 27, 2011
It is hatching day for our first time broody hen who was sitting on 4 eggs, we checked at day 16 and all 4 were alive and kicking. This morning a little chick hatched so we left mom to it, when i came back 4 hours later the chick was dead, pushed out of the nest near the water feeder. Im not sure whether the hen has pushed the chick out or pecked it to death or whether the chick drowned?

Also the remaining 3 eggs are not making any noise and there is no sign or them trying to pip out, do you think they have given up? or died?

All comments appreciated :)
Sometimes chicks die for no apparent reason. It's sad, but it happens. Don't give up on the other eggs yet. Chicks sometimes hatch on day 24-25. Good luck, hope you get some babies!
Yup, I agree with sumi. Don't give up for a couple more days. Been my experience that strong healthy chicks will survive and weak ones will die. Sometimes the hen is to blame, but with only 4 eggs, it's really hard to judge her on that.........Pop
Thanks for your help, so the remaining eggs could still be alive even if i cant hear any noise coming from them? I think i will wait until monday before giving up hope completely as they may be a little behind.
Thanks for your help, so the remaining eggs could still be alive even if i cant hear any noise coming from them? I think i will wait until monday before giving up hope completely as they may be a little behind.

If she doesn't succeed, you might think about locating some day old chicks and put them under her at night. Seems to work well in such cases........Pop

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