Will a chicken with no feet lay eggs? *Pictures added*

thanks for posting that pic. she looks great. my roo and his son both have deformed feet and they get around just fine.
Thanks you guys and I'm just thankful that she is alive and well! No eggs yet but it is pretty funny because whenever my other hen goes into the coop to lay her egg, Wren (The one without feet) follows and sits next to her! Also, yesturday I let both of them out and when Wren wanted to go next to the other one (Poppy) she all of the sudden just jumped up and flew about a foot of the ground! I was amazed! It seems that her wings have gotten stronger than I thought!
She is beautiful. Thank you for sharing her with us!

There is a wonderful book called, "Along Came a Dog" that has a chicken with no feet as one of the main characters. I read it to my whole family on a trip. Any chicken lover would appreciate it. It's very realistic. Th author must have had chickens!
I just ordered a copy of amazon for a read aloud with my kids. Thanks for the tip. I'm always on the look out for a good book. I only wish it had a kindle version.
She laid her 1st egg today!!!
BUT I'm very confused because they are BOTH suposed to be golden laced wyandottes and she layed a GREEN EGG! Ahh! Not that it matters to me, but I thought that only easter eggers laid colored eggs?
Congratulations! She did it!

I know your other hen started laying a couple of weeks ago, how old are they now? My girls are all only 11 1/2 weeks, but i'm already wishing for that first egg! ~Naomi

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