will a hen lay every day? but in differant boxes?


Kiss My Grits...
Premium Feather Member
11 Years
May 19, 2008
Western MA
hi..so i FINALLY got a chicken egg yesterday!!...
...its a real light brown color..i'm thinking is was one of my younger girls..a red/gold sex link..shes about 16 weeks old..'cause she was messing around in there before we found the egg.....so again today we found another egg..same color..only very slightly larger..but..it was in another box....could 2 be laying?..or will they use differant boxes?...thanks so much, Wendy
Congratulations! You'll find out who is laying soon when you're in the coop and get a look. Could be one, laying twice, or two, each laying once...pullet eggs tend to be small and pale. You may get a few 'practice eggs' that are thinnish like fine sandpaper. Not to worry.

I have golden comets, getting 10 eggs on average daily from 12 birds, who are 18 weeks old.
It doesn't seem like my pullets ever use the same nests twice in a row. They are in different nests all the time and sometimes 2 in 1 nest. You will have to do some patrolling to see if it is the same one or different ones. That is what we had to do.

I am currently getting 3 to 4 eggs daily fom the 6 pullets, just waiting for the last 2 to start laying.
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My two hens have their own nest boxes made out of shoes boxes. Some days the eggs will be one in each box and then another days they will each in one nest box. So I guess which ever box is the best to them.
i have 2 boxes and 3 hens laying. some days they are all in the same box and some days they are in both boxes. I think one has a preference but when you have to lay theres no waiting in line for your favorite spot
thank you!!...
..i cant wait till i get more!!...me and hubby are fighting over..who can get to the egg quicker!!....
.......lol..thanks, Wendy

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