
7 Years
Oct 20, 2012
Southern Oregon
Two weeks ago, I bought two 6 week old chicks, one sizzle, one silkie.... the sizzle is a little larger than the pure silkie.
Today i noted that the sizzle was really picking on the little silkie.....maybe even drawing blood...there was some pink looking feather on it's back...but i never found a wound. I picked up the sizzle and looked at it's nose and it has a little nob on it...it's a boy i'm sure. So my question is will a male chick pick on a female chick or do i have two boys? I still can't tell with the silkie...there is no nob or bump as of yet... it's only 2months...i'm hoping for a girl. I know about peaking order...but this seems over board to me. Thanks ~
The first two pictures are of the Sizzle, and the last three pictures are of the Silkie.... they both are two months old. :)

The 'pad' on the sizzles nose feels like a smooth nob forming, defiantly something hard like a horn ...the little silkie has a smooth 'pad' but is softer, but has the swept back crown/hair like a rock star hair cut...which i've been told is a sign of a boy. I was hoping for one boy....not two...fingers still crossed. :) the little silkie is so sweet and friendly....the sizzle is larger so has been dominant. Thanks ~
Any thoughts? Or is it still too soon to tell gender ?
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bigger chickens always pick on smaller ones. if it's trying to stablish a pecking order it shouldn't last too long but if it gets too rough you might want to separate them. on grown birds roosters learn to appreciate the hens and won't deliberately pick on them. but hens will fight each other or just be plain bullies
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Thank you...you answered my question...so gender doesn't play a part right now...just size. Do you know if hens favor male chicks over female chicks or the other way around? I have both my young ones in with 2 young silkie hens... the youngest hen seems to like/dislike one more than the other... the one i think is male they chase more... or so it seems. Thanks~
Thank you...you answered my question...so gender doesn't play a part right now...just size.     Do you know if hens favor male chicks over female chicks or the other way around?  I have both my young ones in with 2 young silkie hens...  the youngest hen seems to like/dislike one more than the other...  the one i think is male they chase more...  or so it seems.    Thanks~

I don't think it's because of the gender, maybe it's too outgoing and they want to give it discipline, but some pullets are just not the mother types.

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