Will a male pekin try to breed a much smaller breed?


5 Years
Jul 13, 2019
I have a 3 year old duck with birth defects who can't tolerate being bred or attempted to be bred. We don't want ducklings anyways and always have had 2 girl ducks. The "sister" duck (different breed but been together since day 1) recently got killed and carried off by something (we are now putting them up before dusk to prevent this). We couldn't find a comparable duck so we bought a juvenile pekin that now appears to be a drake. Obviously pekins are huge and I'm concerned he will hurt my girl. So far we've not seen him attempt but as of this week he has a drake feather. I hate to swap him because we have a really nice setup and it's pretty luxurious and he's become accustomed to it, lots of all-flock and daily water changes and a huge fencd yard and nice house at night. If we swap him he will go back to a farm with many ducks where it's survival of the fittest and only fed once a day. But if it means protecting my 3 year old handicap duck, I'll do what's best because she has nowhere else to go that will take care of her the way she needs and we're sticking with her for life. She rarely (pretty much never) gets in the pool so I have little fear about him drowning her but it's always possible.

So... will a male pekin likely attempt to breed her?


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Thank you all. I have messaged the farm I got him from and will try to exchange him out Saturday. Really hate this for him but can't take a chance.
We just introduced a rescued juvenile pekin drake to my son's flock of females. He has started mounting the smallest pekin-- he isn't yet proficient, but he will get there. The little female "invited" him, so his attentions aren't unreasonable. He hasn't yet shown interest in the smallest of the ducks -- a small muscovy female. Your juvenile boy will undoubtedly start thinking about sex. Maybe not now but with maturity and when his drake hormones are rising
I have a 3 year old duck with birth defects who can't tolerate being bred or attempted to be bred. We don't want ducklings anyways and always have had 2 girl ducks. The "sister" duck (different breed but been together since day 1) recently got killed and carried off by something (we are now putting them up before dusk to prevent this). We couldn't find a comparable duck so we bought a juvenile pekin that now appears to be a drake. Obviously pekins are huge and I'm concerned he will hurt my girl. So far we've not seen him attempt but as of this week he has a drake feather. I hate to swap him because we have a really nice setup and it's pretty luxurious and he's become accustomed to it, lots of all-flock and daily water changes and a huge fencd yard and nice house at night. If we swap him he will go back to a farm with many ducks where it's survival of the fittest and only fed once a day. But if it means protecting my 3 year old handicap duck, I'll do what's best because she has nowhere else to go that will take care of her the way she needs and we're sticking with her for life. She rarely (pretty much never) gets in the pool so I have little fear about him drowning her but it's always possible.

So... will a male pekin likely attempt to breed her?
Yes yes and yes. My pekin drake cannot be with my runner girls. He has injured them, the last time badly so now he batches it in the orchard. They all sit together for flock time at the fence at least.
Pekin drakes are cuddly brutes.

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