Will a Rooster mate with another Rooster?


9 Years
Nov 6, 2010
As I said in an earlier post, I found out that we had a Rooster. Wondering now if we have another. It's my Buff Orp "Grace". But this is the pullet, or I hope to be pullet, that
had a patch of feathers missing on her back and on her neck. I'm told that was a result of frequent mating by my long gone Rooster.

Grace is larger than the rest. Hopefully thats just her breed. But, she has a decent comb and her main tail feathers are up straight with her pretty blackish-greenish feathers
hanging down.

Some help and advice would be greatly appreciated!!
I think that I can answer your question. I had 7 roosters in a pen area seperate from the rest of my flock of hens and sure enough yes they will. They take one of the roosters thats lowest on the pecking order and make him a hen. Now I dont think that will happen if there is access to hens, but in answer to your question YES.
The weird thing is there is an access of hens of all shape and size for them to have... that sounds horrible “for them to have” but I don’t understand why the other males keep trying to mate him. I’ve seen the one that’s being mated crow, and the ones mating him crow. I don’t know why. I mean they also get the girls but also go to him. I was joking with my mom that there gay/ bi roosters. But my only other thought is it could be a hen that learned to crow. I also have a hen that goes after the roosters. Like when they’ve tried to mate she runs over and pushes him off, and I’ve actually seen her lay an egg so I know she’s a hen. That one actually goes after neighbors dogs.
I think that I can answer your question. I had 7 roosters in a pen area seperate from the rest of my flock of hens and sure enough yes they will. They take one of the roosters thats lowest on the pecking order and make him a hen. Now I dont think that will happen if there is access to hens, but in answer to your question YES.
I wasn't really looking for comments referring to jail, thank you.

I'm a newbie simply trying to see if my buff brahma beauty is a roo or not. This is the one who had her saddle area bare, as well as her neck. Most likely from mating. But there were 5 other hens... Why would a roo choose another roo. And my girl in question is the biggest out of all others.

She, I'm hoping it's still she... Doesn't have spurs. But, at 8 am today she was crowing. Well after the sun rose.

Any way you could post a picture? A decent shot of the head is always good, but a side shot of the body showing legs and tail as well as shoulders is really helpful.

How to post pictures/avatar

I find Buff Orps a little harder than some others. The comb is not that critical to me in identifying them, but the wattles are important. The size and look of the legs and saddle and hackle feathers really help. But then in your later post you said Buff Brahma, not Buff Orp. A Buff Orp does not have greenish black feathers, whether rooster or hen. A Buff Brahma does. I guess you are talking about a Brahma, not Orp. Brahmas are bigger than most other breeds, so size is not a good indicator. You don't mention age. Spurs don't come in until they are a little older. My nine month old mixed breed is just starting to grow his. Brahmas might be even later. They are slow to mature.

Some people report that when there is no rooster in a flock, sometimes a hen will take over some of a roosters duties and may even start crowing. From what you've said, I really suspect rooster, but I am not going to be anywhere sure until I see a picture.

Sometimes a rooster will mount another rooster to show dominance. I would be surprised if this happened often enough to cause one to be barebacked, but I try to never say never. I have seen hens pick feathers from a rooster enough to cause a bare spot. With mine, it was around his neck, not the small of his back.

I can't give you a clear answer without a photo. Hope this helps a bit.
I do have two Orps, but the chicken in question is a brahma. He/she is 26 weeks old. The bare spot on her back is growing in nicely ever since the roo has been re homed. And if it is a roo, wouldn't he be mating with one of my pullets by now? The roo has been gone for 2 weeks and I don't see any signs of mating.

I'll try to send some pics.

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