will an eggs that have been in the fridge hatch?


11 Years
Oct 14, 2008
cuba, new york
i had hen go broody so i thought i would see if she would hatch a few eggs. i do not have a roo. so i had to find fertile eggs. i finally found some, but 3 were the fridge and was fresh from the coop. will the fridge hatch? they are 1 to 4 days old. also i marked them with a permenant marker so the kids or wife would not collect them. will marker hurt the eggs? thank you.
Last time I had one go broody I pulled 3 eggs from fridge (and she had one egg already under her) and all 4 hatched!

The eggs were in the fridge anywhere from 1-10 days.

All were healthy little babies.
Currently I have 4 out of 7 eggs that are fertile and they have been in the fridge for about 14 days. Just put them in the bator last thursday. Candled them today
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I had 5 healthy chicks hatch out of eggs that had been in a cold fridge for several days. I let them warm up to room temperature before sticking in the bator. They were like ice when I got 'em.
I, too, have babies from previously refrigerated eggs and all are healthy, happy, chickies.

As for the marker, I have heard to not use anything but pencil, but I think others have used markers with no ill effects.

Good luck and

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