Will be setting Silkie Eggs first week of Nov. who is with me?

So don't you have like..100 eggs cooking away at the moment
what day did you set your catdances? Oh wait ours came together didn't they? They're family...
So don't you have like..100 eggs cooking away at the moment
what day did you set your catdances? Oh wait ours came together didn't they? They're family...

Shhhhh, don't tell anyone!!! 84 to be exact!! My husband would kill me if he ever counted them!! Yep, cats went in yesterday.
So don't you have like..100 eggs cooking away at the moment
what day did you set your catdances? Oh wait ours came together didn't they? They're family...

Shhhhh, don't tell anyone!!! 84 to be exact!! My husband would kill me if he ever counted them!! Yep, cats went in yesterday.

wow...I was joking that you had 100...but you DO!!!! wow...that is a lot...how many bators? are they all at different stages? I can't wait till ours hatch and we can compare colors, how many, which ones... yay for a hatching buddy...
Ya know my chicken math sucks! Its only 72! 3 dozen more are coming next week. I have 2 incubators. Packed like they are their life depends on those eggs!

I love having hatching buddies!
I set 14 silkies last Friday. 6 are alive? can't think of correct term. I set 3 of my GLCB don't know if they are fertile, then set 18?? or so of my friends eggs ( last night) because an owl, weasel, something killed 8 of his on Tuesday night.
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I'll take pics as I unwrap them. Right now they are in a 12x12 inch box. Very big for a few eggs.. Haven't had time to dig into it yet with Halloween being yesterday and I have 3 girls ages 8 and under. So you can imagine...

Here ya go!


I don't get around on the forum much but just found this and wanted to say THANK YOU for posting these. I've been wanting to show how I wrap and can't thank you enough for taking the time to do it for me. May I have permission to use your photos to use for future references since I am to lazy it seems to do it myself
. Sometimes I also nest them in another layer of bubble wrap if they are going really far or to a state I know that is horrible on the boxes. SC is one state that I think LOVES to play kick box with them! I always make sure before I seal the box that there is no shakeage to the eggs and pack a lot of paper around them cause I know they will settle some in shipment. I've only had one complaint with this packing which I feel is the best so far. I had a box of cochin eggs from a $100.00 winning auction for a doz well after getting that much I sent 18 cochins and then they asked about some silkies which I told them I would just give them 6 I had just gathered and not charge them anything since I got so much on the cochins. so after I shipped them to FL they told me they wanted them sent to their NC home. So I packed them another 2 doz and shipped them and had the others routed back to me. When I got them back they had been on the road for 8 days. I set them and had 12 to develop and 10 go into lock down and then had 7 to hatch. They were packed the very same way which I think helped them survive the double shipment they went thru. Crossing my fingers you get a much better hatch then those, but I know yours didn't have to travel that far. Oh and one other thing is I also date my eggs the day they are laid and only like to collect 2 days and ship the 3rd, I will send extras that may be a day or 2 over that but not more than 5 days and I know that helps them handle the trip also. The longer the trip the fresher still. If I can't sell my eggs and ship when they are 3-4 days old then they go in my incubator or back to the birds. I really work hard to make sure you get the best shipped eggs. Thank you again!
They came
they came

Karen sent me 24 lovely eggs all safe and packaged perfectly.


Mystery egg...2

Darren, you are so lucky! I ordered buffs and am disappointed.
bid on 8 and only received 7..boo whooo... I will be setting those 7 tonight though and am crossing my fingers.

I'm sorry Alena I got mixed up and thought it was a 6+ auction and sent all I had making it 1 extra. The girls slacked off because of the weather. Will be sending you 6 more next week for the mistake. I'm bad
and old
and with the Fibromyalgia makes my memory awfu
l!! I hope this makes it up to you.
Darren, you are so lucky! I ordered buffs and am disappointed.
bid on 8 and only received 7..boo whooo... I will be setting those 7 tonight though and am crossing my fingers.

I'm sorry Alena I got mixed up and thought it was a 6+ auction and sent all I had making it 1 extra. The girls slacked off because of the weather. Will be sending you 6 more next week for the mistake. I'm bad
and old
and with the Fibromyalgia makes my memory awfu
l!! I hope this makes it up to you.

I just replied to your email. Thank you for working it out. I'm sure this happens all the time. Will be looking forward to the hatch.
No this has never happened before and I sure am going to work hard it doesn't happen again. I had wrote the auction down in my book first and then relisted on the group forgetting to change it to 6 instead of 8 since they had slowed down due to molting. I just got so busy with grandkids in that weekend that I didn't even check the auction to even notice, I just went by my book and when they ended who won. Will just have to pay more attention. I really am a nice old lady and very easy to get along with in fixing my bloopers
As for the partridge as I stated they were plainly listed in the auction that they were in the buff pen and would be included. Had I known you only wanted buffs all you had to do was ask and I would have been happy to see you only got those. All is well though as now they are with their beautiful new red bearded rooster "Tobasco". He sure is happy to be out of isolation after 10 days in that small coop and with some pretty new girls
He fell right in love
with them! Can't wait till I can set a few to see how they turn out with him. Good luck with the hatch and I'lll let you know when I ship the buffs next week. Thank you again and have a blessed weekend!
Wow! Now that's service for you...that was very awesome of you to do this for Alena.

Now instead for 7 you get 12... People really are genuine and what an honest mistake. This has made my heart smile tonight. Thank you

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