Will broody hen adopt chicks?

Is this a full size or Bantam. If it's a Bantam just tell her what you need LOL Let us know how it goes.
I hatched two chicks in an incubator two days ago and put my silkie on them. I don't think she's ever laid an egg and she's never gone broody, but she took them as her own.
Be carefull about having 2 broody hens and chicks becuase ive had some sebright banties fight over and kill chicks before. i dont think it would happen if you have enough chicks for both of them to share, but if they are to protective........... it could go bad

good luck though!
It just totally depends on the hen in question. Some breeds seem more accepting of orphan chicks than others. And I've certainly seen hens that wanted ALL the chicks.
HELLO, my hen Boo layed an egg but didn't sit on it. So I took it home and incubated it. A chick hatched and is now 16 days old. During the incubation , Boo layed and hatched 10 eggs. Boo is a silkie chicken and I had heard that they are more merciful so I put Zebreina( my chick at home ) with Boo and her 10 chicks. I took Boo off the nest and added Zebreina to the nest. Boo instantly pick up Zebreina up by the neck and toss her off the nest. I attempt this every day but it always ends unsuccessful with Boo tossing Zebreina away. What can I do????

Also , Zebreina think she is human. She follows me , pecks at my lips and refuses to sleep soundlessly without me. When I put her in the coop , she either looks at me and hoots continuously or runs and follows me away. She talks all night unless she is in my bed, ( YES, I kinda started that problem because she was sick on her first night so I made her a dipper and let her curl up with me in bed) I feel LIKE A HORRIBLE MONSTER when I leave her with Boo!

How can I wean her off of thinking she's human and what do I do about Boo rejecting her!!!!!!! :-(
the chick is too old the hen can easily recognize zebrina , if you wud have done it when chick was a lot younger than it might have worked
My silkie is sitting on 3 eggs. There was a total of 6 but this was her first time broody and she pushed a couple of the eggs out and I didn't want to lose them so I put 3 in the bator and left 3. The eggs were laid by her on June 28th-July 5th. If I put the chicks that are going to hatch first under her, will she hatch the rest that will take another few additional days? Or should I wait until the ones hatch under her, and then add the incubator chicks?
if eggs in the bator hatch first then u can put the chicks right away under the silkie at night but there might be a risk that she will than donot pay much attention to the eggs she is already sitting on however u can wait for the eggs under her to hatch than put the bator chicks under her but than there may be a risk that chicks if are week older she may reject them

now its up to u which risk ur willing to take
My golden buff orphan is broody and I have put 2eggs under her and I have 4 golden buff chicks and 2aseel chicks there all 8 days old will my chicken adopt them. Where do you have to put the chicks
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I put the two chicks under her last night, and this morning she is still on the eggs and the chicks are under her wings or venturing out in the coop. I am keeping and eye on the 3 eggs she is on. The eggs are due to hatch in the next few days (fingers crossed). This hen Big Mama is from my first egg hatch, she is the first to lay eggs and her first time broody she is amazing!!

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